It's all about QR Code: QR Code - Pros and Cons

July 3, 2010

QR Code - Pros and Cons

As an overview on Hong Kong's mobile marketing, the QR code
  • links printed media to interactive resources
  • adds value to the printed media, expanding limited resources to unlimted
  • provides quick and accurate click through to the website despite of keying in the web address
  • accesses from everywhere and is international

But at the same time, it experiences the following chanllenges
  • not everyone in Hong Kong is using smartphone and not all phones are compatable with QR code reader, affects in a lower penatration rate
  • QR codes is not widely used nor being acknowledged in Hong Kong
  • it needs to accompany with wireless connection and high data plans

The sucessful of QR code in Japan is mainly because of the putting QR technology, mobile device and media together. We in Hong Kong now is having the QR technology - dood me co, QR code reader or application and those enhanced mobile devices - smartphones, what we are waiting for are the broad usage of QR code in mobile marketing, on the printed media.

I trusted that would be in a great sucess and becomes a popular marketing tool in a near future!

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